Small Business Insights, Conferencing Tips, and More
Can Remote Leaders Be Inspiring?
If your team has remote workers or doesn’t have a team in an office at all, you might wonder if your management is effective. Managing remote workers is a...
Coworking Spaces Are Concentrated In The West Coast’s Most Expensive Cities
Coworking as a workplace arrangement is growing worldwide. According to recent studies, more than 1.2 million people worldwide have worked in a coworking...
Disagreement is Good for Business. Agreed?
I disagree with you. Chances are those four words made you uncomfortable. Do we have a conflict here? Conflicts make most people uncomfortable. You’re...
The Best Software for Today’s Freelance Workforce
As a freelancer, time is your most valuable resource. You probably got into freelancing because you wanted to set your own hours and enjoy a flexible...
Communication Tips For Professors
You can avoid a lot of higher education’s nuisances and headaches with the help of internet tools and software. Here’s how communications technology can...
Wed May 12
Wed May 05
5 Reasons Every Therapist Should Offer Telehealth
Telehealth isn’t just a way to connect with clients in underserved areas—it may actually improve the care you give your patients. 1) Some Patients Are...
The Health Coach Who Only Works Remote
After Julia Sarver transitioned from the nonprofit world to health coaching, she wasn’t enjoying coaching as much as she thought she would. Sarver had a...
5 Signs Your Meeting is Doomed
You usually don’t realize the mess you’re in until you’re in the thick of it. Then, you look around and wonder, “Where’s the closest exit?” By that point,...
Avoid These Disastrous Earnings Call Screw-Ups
Earnings calls are simple. A CFO reads some financial data, and friendly stock analysts ask a few questions. The format and technology are decades-old....
The 15 Minute Daily Scrum Meeting
Agile software development has revolutionized the field. In the traditional “waterfall” approach of software development, projects progressed from...