Keeping Congregations Connected: Religious Services and Prayer Group Conference Calls

By Jamie Davidson · May 31, 2016

As a leader of a worship group, you do what you can to keep your congregation involved and engaged in religious activities. Have you considered hosting conference calls for those members who are not able to attend services in person? Conference calls can help bring together a daily or weekly prayer group regardless of location. Further, you can record and share your call with others at a later time. And, with conference calling and recording, your religious group can connect with a new member base and engage existing members more often.

Using Conference Calls to Connect Congregations

Group Size

How many people will be joining your calls? We offer plans that accommodate hundreds of callers. Be sure that you have an estimate of your attendance so everyone who would like to join the call, can.

The Right Equipment

Your attendees don’t need special equipment to join your call. Each caller can use their personal touchtone landline or cell phone to enter the call.

If several participants will be joining the conference call from the same room, you may want to look into buying a traditional conference phone system so everyone can be heard. If your participants will be dialing in separately, however, no special equipment is required.

If you will be recording a sermon or other event at your church or temple, you may want to consult with an audiovisual expert to ensure that your call is recorded properly. For example, you may be able to plug a phone directly into the speaker amp, dial the conference line, and start recording.

You can also look into using an iPhone in speakerphone mode. Dial into the call, turn on speakerphone, place the iPhone an appropriate distance from you so the remote listeners can hear you, and you’re all set.

Make sure to engage those listeners on the line if you’d like them to stay engaged in your congregation. An unengaged audience doesn’t act. So talk to them. Address them. Make sure they can hear you. Make that fun for everyone.

Scheduling Remote Sermons and Prayer Sessions in Advance

Let your callers know the date, time, dial-in number, and conference code in advance. When it’s time for the call to start, they can simply dial the number and enter the conference code to enter into the conference.

How to Record Your Session and Access Recordings

Once your call has begun, click “Record Call” in your call manager or dial 5* on your telephone dial pad to start recording. You’ll hear an announcement on the line that call recording has started.

Then, once your call concludes, visit the Recordings tab in your account to play, download, and share your recordings. Your guests can either listen to the recording online or dial into a phone line to hear the recording. To activate dial-in access, select that option in your recordings list and give the dial-in access number & code to your attendees. Many users even create podcasts with their recordings!

Custom Greetings

Consider a custom greeting if you’d like your organization’s name or other information announced at the beginning of your calls. You can create your own greeting or hire our professional voice-over talent to do it for you, adding a more personal touch to your events.

The possibilities are endless for creating meaningful experiences for your religious or church group. If you have any questions about getting started, please contact us. We are here to help!


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